Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Local syslog using rsyslogd

Phase one of the new logging system is to use the local syslog daemon.  This turned out to be pretty easy to set up, as glibc has the appropriate functions, so the line

syslog(LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_LOCAL0, LOG_NOTICE), "Some message");

was all that was needed, and suddenly the log reports from Polly were appearing in the syslog file at /var/log/syslog

That was easy, wasn't it.  But I want to put the log messages in a separate file (or two) so now I need to learn how to configure rsyslogd in order to filter them out.  A brief study of the interweb and I'd added the command

local0.*    /var/log/polly.log

into rsyslogd's configs.  But it didn't work.  I fiddled.  I tweaked.  I learned how to validate the config by typing rsyslogd -N1  but no joy.  I tried other syntaxes (Just to confuse matters, rsyslogd accepts configuration commands in three totally different formats, and you are free to mix them in the same configuration file.)

if $syslogfacility-text == 'local0' then /var/log/polly.log

But my new log file remained steadfastly empty.

Eventually I spotted a log message, hidden in auth.log, complaining I was providing an "unknown facility/priority: 405".  Aha, does that tell me anything?

The facility/priority number in syslog is defined as priority plus 8 * facility, and that's what LOG_MAKEPRI is supposed to be doing for me.  Facility LOCAL0 is 16, and priority NOTICE is 5, so the combined value should be 133 (decimal).  A couple of printf lines soon revealed that LOG_MAKEPRI(LOG_LOCAL0, LOG_NOTICE) was returning 1029 (0x405).  It was soon obvious that the LOG_LOCAL0 macro had already got the multiplication by 8 included.  I changed the call to syslog to

syslog( (LOG_LOCAL0 | LOG_NOTICE), "message");

and my filter was suddenly working.

As far as I can see this is a bug in the glibc documentation.  Hmph!  Anyone know how I report that?  Before doing so, I downloaded the latest development source for glibc and they've already fixed it!  Personally I would have altered the documentation to match the code, but there you are.

Anyway, I was now able to create a proper rsyslogd configuration file, located in /etc/rsyslog.d/polly.conf containing

if $syslogfacility-text == 'local0' and ($msg startswith ' ETHPIC') then /var/log/polly-ethpic.log
if $syslogfacility-text == 'local0' and not ($msg startswith ' ETHPIC') then /var/log/polly.log

# Don't pass it on
local0.*    ~

This splits out the rather busy ETHPIC log entries into a different file.  The last line discards all LOCAL0 messages, so they don't get passed on to the later rule which puts everything into the messages file.

I am still weighing up the pros and cons of phase two of the syslog project.  This would involve reconfiguring rsyslogd to pass the log messages to another server, with the aim of reducing wear and tear on the Raspberry Pi's SD card.  Qustions which need to be considered include
  • Is SD card wear a problem?
  • What happens if the logging system is down?

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